Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Music Lovers ~ Search Engine for Lyrics and Videos

Here is a website to check out. It might be a reminder to some of you, but to others it is going to be a place to visit for fun now and again.
ENJOY & Have Fun,

A Search Engine for Music Lyrics and Videos
ChizMax is a specialized search engine for music lyrics and videos.

To find the lyrics for a track, enter a song name, artist, or a combination of the two to bring up a listing of tracks that are covered by the ChizMax search engine.

Each track has its own separate page with its full lyrics and a music video from YouTube if it's available. Thumbnail images from the video also add a splash of color to the otherwise spartan interface.

Of course, now that Yahoo has launched an officially licensed music lyrics service, user-transcribed lyrics sites are in danger of becoming irrelevant, but ChizMax has nicely integrated text and video into a lightweight page that music lovers who don't mind the occasional typo may prefer.



  1. all cool. but looks like someone was inspired by my template :P

    btw u blog pretty fast :)

  2. Funny Funny...Yes I had been to your blog more than once, but I was working out the HTML for another template [blue hearts] as blue is my fave color of all time....and it wasn't doing good things.
    I needed something with the right spacing and I wasn't even going to get into code and tables at that exact moment.
    So maybe my subconscious picked up on your template or maybe great minds think alike! haha

    I have added some more music, so if you get some time to listen, open up a new tab and stick around the page for awhile and enjoy some tunes old and newer.

    I have a Myspace acct [/thesheasbys] with pictures and likes and dislikes and all, but I am working towards getting everything over here. So I am spending more time socializing on Facebook and Blogspot then there and converting others.

    IMHO it [Myspace] can be personalized more, colors, photos, music, page templates and what not, so I stuck around there for a few to keep in touch with fam and friends. -I'm uprooting as it were, but I am steering more of them around with me yet still logging on there everyday.

    My niece Ashley is a new blogger who will be 18 in 3 months and I showed her Blogger and she likes it. She's a follower, check out her page if you get some extra time. :o) I am sure she would love to hear from some others besides me. She reminds me of your friend with Quest blog and is doing some major pondering herself as to the future and where she falls right now. As they say 'Life is a journey.....' and I would say I strongly agree.

    Looks like you all have your hands full there with school and exams and censorship and life, so KUDOS to all of you for persevering and moving ahead.

    Don't feel bad if I change my template anytime soon, I have been cruising the web looking for the right TEMPLATE and when I find it.....It's Game Time. :o)
    And if you hadn't noticed sometimes my comments and replies can be longer than the actual post, but it's all good.
    May The Sun Always Shine Upon You!

  3. yeah i know how frustrating it can get searching for the right template. but it can be more frustrating that after you have found the one and then blogger gives u silly errors and refuses to use it :S That's eactly what's happening with my new blog. I can't get it started cause I can't get the template to upload. And the very same template works for others :'(

    I saw Ashley's blog but i was too tried to read it then. I'll read it today for sure.

    About what one want's in life. I have no clue. Oddly I was very clear when I was younger. Now it is a lot more confusing. And it becomes even more baffling when you get what you 'think' you wanted but then end up asking yourself "Is this really what I was looking for?" Like they say - A man can do what he will, but not will what he will.

    Good thing you are on facebook. I have given a link to my facebook profile on my blogger profile. I updated that section. but dunno what ppl will make of it ;)


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