Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Crazy Month........March Madness??

Well it has been awhile since I sat down to empty the NOGGIN.
The weather is getting milder and the desire to get outside and get the garden in tip top shape is there every time I open the blinds and look out into the back yard.

I keep putting off painting and what not, but I did have a litter of dogs to sell, and between phone calls and feeding and cleaning them, I just didn't feel the motivation.

Only a couple more months until Summer Vacation for Marjke and she already has a couple things in mind that she wants to do while out for the summer.

With soo much on my plate, I think I am going to devise a 'blue print' to get me on track and to help me re-focus when I need it.

Judah is talking more and more each day and he is just soo curious about everything.

I need to get him motivated more about potty training too, but as of right now when you put under pants on him he freaks out. I can see this is going to be a challenge, but not one to put off for to much longer and not one to screw up either.

little guys is acting all silly and it's lunch time better run.

Ciao Bella!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Heaven is on the way......

Letting the Cables Sleep
[Bush -lyrics]
Just so happens I do have this in the play list above, just click and listen now, it's ok. :o)

You in the dark
You in the pain
You on the run
Living a hell
Living your ghost
Living your end
Never seem to get in the place that I belong
Don't wanna lose the time
Lose the time to come

Whatever you say its alright
Whatever you do its all good
Whatever you say its alright
Silence is not the way
We need to talk about it
If heaven is on the way
If heaven is on the way

You in the sea
On a decline
Breaking the waves
Watching the lights go down
Letting the cables sleep

Whatever you say its alright
Whatever you do its all good
Whatever you say its alright
Silence is not the way
We need to talk about it
If heaven is on the way
Well wrap the world around it
If heaven is on the way
If heaven is on the way

Im a stranger in this town
Im a stranger in this town

If heaven is on the way
If heaven is on the way
Im a stranger in this town
Im a stranger in this town

I was watching some old episodes of Charmed and heard the song, looked up the lyrics and....well, enjoy the song.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Yorkshire Terriers ~ Toledo, OH & Area

I currently have a litter of pups available for adoption now.
Please call for further information.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Home with Kids [sick and well]

Thursday March 5th 2009

I suppose there are better ways for some people to spend their day besides with their sick children right?

Well short of locking them in a closet after a shot of Tylenol or antibiotics and looking in on them in 8 hours, what else are you supposed to do?

I enjoy when the kids are home with me; I mean Jude's always with me anyway as he isn't even pre-school material right now.

2 years old and Momma's baby is staying with me until such time I decide to leave the house again, and I don't see that happening right now.

The 'pre-school' programs around town here IMHO are just folks in a building over-charging for babysitting services. They have kids coming and going all day and that isn't pre-school to me.

Now when Jasmine was 3 we put her in the Bear Cub Academy at the elementary school in Gibsonburg and it was great. It did cost us $100 bucks a month for 3 days and her second year was actually just a repeat of the first. Go figure! I won't be doing that again.

-So both kids are here, and if your kids are anything like mine, unless they have the flu, it doesn't matter how sick they are, they are running around.

Of course they would love to be playing 'Rock Band' or any other PS3 game I would let them, or even better they would love to be outside tearing it up. NOT TODAY KIDS!

We told our 7 yr old, no running and jumping, just chill and let your body get better this time. She has been working this one out of her system for just over a week and I think it's the last bit just about gone.

She has ice skating next week also, so we told her get better this weekend and be ready for a nice field trip where you are well.

She's chilling right now, maybe watching Mary Poppins still, and my little man is jumping on my bed of course, so I better get him to lie down for his morning nap.

If he waits for afternoon and gets tied up playing and running, he is a bear come 8:00 p.m. when it's time to settle down.

I'm gonna be logging on to parentsconnect.com and checking out about their sleep suggestions for kids and all, so maybe I will post about the later.

But when it comes to children sick or not, my children, I love having them around.
They are fiercely independent with a healthy dose of 'kiss my as*', but we created that and I love them attitude and all.

Sooooooooo, I will be checking my Twitter, Facebook and MySpace accounts off and on today; and in the mean time setting up my local rag ad for puppies I have to sell this week.

Hope Life is treating you and your loved ones good and you find a scripture or quote to meditate on today.

Here is one I found on Twitter. User Credit: Yehudaburg

"Daily Thought: 'Hold your tongue & resist the compulsion 2 talk. Instead be a strong shoulder, an open ear, & a warm heart."

~~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Here's one of my own.....

"Instead of carrying burdens on your shoulders, carry dreams in your heart" -Breeze

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Winter -Not just another season

Wednesday March 4, 2009

Winter isn't just another season, the age old complaints about cold and ice, blah blah blah.

It truly is a time when everyone; nature included, gets to rest, rejuvenate and get ready for another year. Another year, another season, and then it all starts over again.

I mean it's like burning the candle from both ends -ALL the time, you need a break eventually.

I get cabin fever, winter blues, and that general feeling of being boxed in and alone when I don't keep busy. Then I let myself start complaining about the cold, etc. and I need to change my view and thoughts and 'GO POSITIVE'.

I mean I always feel better when I start to layout and plan the next season of things to do and it helps the day to day doldrums pass by.

I was on FB today and a friend from school had an update that she was looking at Jamaican vacations [for this year?]. Now what better way to stop thinking winter and start planning for good things than that?!

Now I know I'm not going to another country this year anyway, but I do have a vacation or two to plan for; and who knows I might actually start digging up some good deals now.
Disney? -I dunno?! Six Flags -Hmmm? That cool Ice Cream Factory Tour -It's close anyway.
Well, the choices are endless and I will be focusing on that more in the upcoming weeks.

I do have a project or two that's been on the back burner, but this weekend I am taking the little one [she's 7 already] out to start shopping for paint colors for her bedroom make-over. She's excited and it gets her something to plan for as well.

I am sure I will post pictures from the whole ordeal, before and after and the goofing and messes for all to see.

Hope your week is off to a good start and your days are brighter!

Until another line is blogged!
Blogging with Breeze
Blogging with Breeze

Marjke Slideshow

Slide Show

Some of My Favorite Songs

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