Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Crazy Month........March Madness??

Well it has been awhile since I sat down to empty the NOGGIN.
The weather is getting milder and the desire to get outside and get the garden in tip top shape is there every time I open the blinds and look out into the back yard.

I keep putting off painting and what not, but I did have a litter of dogs to sell, and between phone calls and feeding and cleaning them, I just didn't feel the motivation.

Only a couple more months until Summer Vacation for Marjke and she already has a couple things in mind that she wants to do while out for the summer.

With soo much on my plate, I think I am going to devise a 'blue print' to get me on track and to help me re-focus when I need it.

Judah is talking more and more each day and he is just soo curious about everything.

I need to get him motivated more about potty training too, but as of right now when you put under pants on him he freaks out. I can see this is going to be a challenge, but not one to put off for to much longer and not one to screw up either.

little guys is acting all silly and it's lunch time better run.

Ciao Bella!

1 comment:

  1. You seem so young to have to kids!! They are so cute...Oh you hear the tic tac? No worries,it is just my biological clock.


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