Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Best Poem in the World


I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or its decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp--
The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
The alcoholics and the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice.

Herb, who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
Looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must've made a mistake.

'And why's everyone so quiet,
So sombre - give me a clue.'
'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you.'


Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian
any more than standing in your garage makes you a car .

Every saint has a PAST....
Every sinner has a FUTURE!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The White House

Does anyone who might be reading this think that there might be some major changes to the White House happening anytime in the near or far future?

I've just been thinking about it lately and I was thinking if anyone would be making any major changes of that sort it would be this administration and this president.

Just curious as to anyone else's opinion on if they think that and if so what kind of changes do you think they might make -if they did? Remodeling needed huh? :o)

How was everyone's 4th of July?

Went to a couple different gatherings and took the kids to see a local display of fireworks, which was great for the kids.

I was glad to see gas prices were stable and didn't jump to the moon, how about you?


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Family Life - Extended Family & Friends

It's funny how you hear the saying 'Can't live with them, can't live without them' and it's usually referring to a person of the opposite sex.

Well, in my case I guess it is pointing more towards my family from the day to day hub bub and talk going from family to family; to just feeling plain bad that you don't see them more often.

Maybe it is just a woman thing, maybe it's just a me thing -who knows.

I know after my mom died, my sis and I were talking every day and after a month or so and I would go a couple days without talking to her, I would really feel empty.

Was I using her to fill the hole in my heart, my day, from not seeing and talking to mom, I don't know -Maybe I that really fair to her or me?

I know as you get older, you re-define things and define things you never needed to before and ultimately that leads to change.

I guess the best thing to do and what I have been doing, is to evaluate my life, my friends, my needs and how they all fit together.

I used to find myself *pining over people in my life, I mean I wanted to have a relationship with certain people because I felt we had soo much in common, and it would keep the common thread of family knit close. After many years of heart-ache and headaches, I finally decided there are just some people who were 'IN' my life, that were never going to be a 'PART' of my life.

I suppose the best thing to do is focus on those things that are important to me, my kids, my spiritual direction, happy marriage, and the rest will worry about itself.

I don't like to be busy just for the sake of needing to be busy; I like to be productive and that satisfies many needs for me.
I mean if I just start rummaging through things just because I am bored, or if I am looking for something and start tearing boxes out or yanking things out of drawers, I usually end up finding what I am looking for.
BUT, the mess I leave behind is annoying and I usually don't end up very happy with the ends result. That would be me sorting and cleaning and organizing things when I might not necessarily have the time or patience. & if I end up leaving it, well it usually only gets worse and the point of contention later on somehow.

Family -Immediate
Extended Family

They all have an effect on us - just how much depends on the value we place on them.

I need to figure for myself, who I allow to influence me, my choice in the end to see what/who governs my mind and life.

I gotta go - I need to go do some thinking and changing of the way I look at things and what I do.

Hope you all have a Great Day!!


*Pining: Defined as a feeling of deep longing.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

& Life Goes On.....It Always Does!

So my oldest child is only 7 and I am having to deal with kids breaking up.

Not my own, but if you have an extended family like mine then you will know that nieces and nephews move from b/f or g/f and then back again at a regular rate anymore and well my family is no different.

I have soo many mixed feelings and have had them for a very long time about my children and their hearts. You might wonder what I am talking about, read on and you will see.

Some years ago I received a book called I Kissed Dating Goodbye, written by Joshua Harris. Of course my library is pretty diverse, and I haven't read each book. Some I have flipped thru, some half, and well I'm sure you get the picture.

While I did not read this one, I get the idea of it from reading the back of the book and now that my kids are getting older, I am going to have to get it read.

To give you an idea of it's contents, here is a review: Review
While most Christians agree to seek purity and save sex for marriage, few have been given a blueprint for how that should affect their view of dating and love. In I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Joshua Harris exposes the "Seven Habits of Highly Defective Dating" and offers a realistic outline of how to have a biblical vision of marriage. Harris contends that one must begin with a new attitude, viewing love, purity, and singleness from God's perspective rather than thinking that love and romance are to be enjoyed "solely for recreation." In such well-named chapters as "Guarding Your Heart" and "What Matters at Fifty," Harris encourages the reader to look at one's character rather than reveling in infatuation, to regard love as a truly selfless, biblical act rather than a feeling. He refutes the concept that we are victims of "falling in love" (that it is beyond our control), saying that "God wants us to seek guidance from scriptural truth, not feeling. Smart love looks beyond personal desires and the gratification of the moment. It looks at the big picture: serving others and glorifying God." Before you roll your eyes, moaning that this sounds terribly unromantic, know that Harris does a superb job of couching his convictions in the sincere belief that if we are purposeful in our singleness and date with integrity, a fulfilled marriage awaits us--in God's timing. --Jill Heatherly --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title

Personally, I did not have to go through what most teenagers experience time and again every year in their lives and school careers. Most adults went through it all and think it 'NORMAL' that their kids go thru this phase just as they did.

I don't want my kids to experience things on a level kids today have grown to
accept as the norm. This is simply because it isn't and doesn't have to be accepted as such. I feel strongly about this, as I know this is going to shape them into a life I would rather they not live and shape them into people I would rather they weren't.

I always tell friends and family alike that anyone who wants to get to my son or daughter are going to have to go through me first.

& whoever will be close to my kids, close enough to even be considered for a permanent or semi-permanent place in their life is going to be like a member of our family first.

Most people let alone kids and young adults do not accept responsibility for their choices in life, and there is no sense of accountability for anything they say and do.
So why in the world am I going to just hand my kids over to another who will act and react in life without thought of repercussion or outcome further than 5 minutes from now.

I cannot even begin to demonstrate here with the many stories in the news about kids being cyber-bullies, or groups of teens corralling one child into a secluded area only to physically as well as emotionally scar them -forever.

Before I rant on and on, I will close with these thoughts.

If we do not protect our children from a society that wants to rape and pillage everything of value from them who will?

I do not accept that 'DATING' is the way to go, not for my kids anyway; my children will be given and shown to see many other things to do with their lives besides the roller-coaster most kids ride today.

There will be plenty of time after they find direction in life, for them to see that someone for them to share their life with is out there looking too. Kids deserve to be kids, enjoying life as only a child can.

Don't rush to grow up my child - I love you and will help you in anyway I can for as long as I am able.
~Love Always, Mommy

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Crazy Month........March Madness??

Well it has been awhile since I sat down to empty the NOGGIN.
The weather is getting milder and the desire to get outside and get the garden in tip top shape is there every time I open the blinds and look out into the back yard.

I keep putting off painting and what not, but I did have a litter of dogs to sell, and between phone calls and feeding and cleaning them, I just didn't feel the motivation.

Only a couple more months until Summer Vacation for Marjke and she already has a couple things in mind that she wants to do while out for the summer.

With soo much on my plate, I think I am going to devise a 'blue print' to get me on track and to help me re-focus when I need it.

Judah is talking more and more each day and he is just soo curious about everything.

I need to get him motivated more about potty training too, but as of right now when you put under pants on him he freaks out. I can see this is going to be a challenge, but not one to put off for to much longer and not one to screw up either.

little guys is acting all silly and it's lunch time better run.

Ciao Bella!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Heaven is on the way......

Letting the Cables Sleep
[Bush -lyrics]
Just so happens I do have this in the play list above, just click and listen now, it's ok. :o)

You in the dark
You in the pain
You on the run
Living a hell
Living your ghost
Living your end
Never seem to get in the place that I belong
Don't wanna lose the time
Lose the time to come

Whatever you say its alright
Whatever you do its all good
Whatever you say its alright
Silence is not the way
We need to talk about it
If heaven is on the way
If heaven is on the way

You in the sea
On a decline
Breaking the waves
Watching the lights go down
Letting the cables sleep

Whatever you say its alright
Whatever you do its all good
Whatever you say its alright
Silence is not the way
We need to talk about it
If heaven is on the way
Well wrap the world around it
If heaven is on the way
If heaven is on the way

Im a stranger in this town
Im a stranger in this town

If heaven is on the way
If heaven is on the way
Im a stranger in this town
Im a stranger in this town

I was watching some old episodes of Charmed and heard the song, looked up the lyrics and....well, enjoy the song.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Yorkshire Terriers ~ Toledo, OH & Area

I currently have a litter of pups available for adoption now.
Please call for further information.

Blogging with Breeze
Blogging with Breeze

Marjke Slideshow

Slide Show

Some of My Favorite Songs

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