Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's Raining outside and boy is it GREEN!

Funny how you can be watching the rain just drizzle on down and feel so relaxed seeing the pitter patter hit the ground.
Then hours later you keep checking the basement to see if you hear the sump pump cranking out all the water that has managed to pour out of the sky in such a small period of time.
Local news sites have stated the rain was falling at an average of 4 inches an hour this afternoon and my back and front yards were proof of that. I suppose I could have jumped outside with my camera and snapped a shot or two, but the water has all but receded and it leveling off.

Some if not most of the main roads in town were or are closed right now due to high waters.
I knew it was gonna be bad when the kids got out of school and they were being escorted out 2 at a time with teachers and principal under umbrellas. The blacktop and parking spots were under water, but I was proud of the folks at Lutz Elementary for taking the extra time and energy for those scared little ones this afternoon.

Hubby is gonna be out of town tonight, due to a back log of work and a presidential run going through the area real soon. That is the prez of their company [CSX] not the USA prez.
So I am off to get the family room set up for a sleep over [that's what my daughter Marjke calls it when we sleep down stairs] and get dinner in their tummies.

Hope you are all well and are enjoying Springtime weather for all t's worth. The heat and humidity will be here soon and the kids will be home for the summer to remind us just how hot it is every 2 hours.

Happy Wednesday and Happy Spring to you all!


1 comment:

  1. OMG!! I have missed so many of your posts :(
    But now I 'think' I will be here more often... but nobody knows about the future :P


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