Saturday, January 10, 2009

Time, Life & Healing


So much has happened in the last year, and the tragedy of my life last year was losing my mom.

She was a wonderful wife and mother, and she was such a great person too.She wasn't perfect, but she was pretty damn close to being perfect at soo much!

She would help everyone as best she could, and expected nothing in return.

She had a peculiar sense of humor, never liked Jim Carey, if that tells you anything about her, and what made her laugh.:o)

She soo loved to read; not everything either, she was into fact, not fiction. Biographies of stars of yester-year and famous people were among her favorite stories to read. She devoured books quickly, she loved them soo much.

She had morals and values in her life that people today wished they had.

She loved arts, crafts, reading, writing poetry, cooking, being with loved ones and last but not least,to go out to eat with us.

She lost her eyesight and while she could no longer see us, she never lost sight of us.

She had her cell phone as a main connection to us kids and if you were lucky to get one of her silly voicemails, it can make you laugh and cry at the same time.

The only sad thing is we didn't keep them, who knew?You never expect things to end so soon, but I have learned a few things from this.I don't want to take my family and friends for granted.

Each day is a GIFT, another oppurtunity to show and tell those you love, how much you care and how much you love them.
I want to continue to honor her memory, by being the best that I can be and show people how good she was by my actions.She had 5 kids and raised the 4 of us best she could; and she was the mother women today aspire to be.

Bottle breaking and potty training in records we could only wish to attain!!She was loving and loved by all of us.I miss my mom everyday and I only regret my complacency with time.

The time I had with her, and when she was here was full, I just miss it and how much more I could have done, done differently too. However, I will not live in a depressed state, she wouldn't want me to waste my life and the life of my kids with regrets.

She loved each of us kids and all her grandkids so much, and in their own way.I am blessed to have had Marilyn Rose Vargo as a mother, mentor, friend and soo much more. I'll never forget my mom.

[To be continued]



November 5th 2008

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