Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bananas - Yellow, Green or Brown

What are things you think of when you hear the words below, I will give you a look at my thoughts.

Yellow Bananas.........nice smell, sweet to taste and pretty to look at.
Green Bananas.........not ripe, bland, starchy feel/smell & well, not quite ready.
Brown Banana.........over-ripe, almost-rotten, no flavor, mushy & 'fruit' fly.

While it is true that brown bananas are perfect for baking, bringing a nice full body flavor to any baked good; there is no life to the banana in and of itself.
With the amount of heat going to the making of something lovely, the banana is gone but not forgotten.

Making sense of 'all that' isn't something you need to do, these are just words and thoughts that come to my mind when I see the words associated with bananas, their color and ripeness level.

Now what made me think of them is watching my son run around the family room, care-free and half-dressed.

My little guy Jude was in the kitchen today pointing up to the counter top and jibbering away like there was no tomorrow.

Right now he is in this stage of getting your attention, pointing at something and 'talking' away. Way cute this morning when he did this and I corrected his jibbing and told him to say ba-na-na, he proceeded to say Ne-Na.

Now to any parent out there who has gotten all giddy over these triumphs, you know exactly what I am talking about when I say it is a momentous occasion.

Now I have heard the old adage, enjoy them before they speak and the other 'lovely' saying of we teach them to walk and talk then once they do, we tell them to shut up and stay still. He has been running in and out of the kitchen all day and every time he goes by the counter hollers Ne-Na with a smile, I smile with him!

I am smiling as I write this and I know that my mother would have fallen over herself with PURE JOY at hearing her little man's first words. She was close to both of my babies and they loved her every bit as much as she did them.

This past week has been a little hectic, people calling about dogs, my daughter getting testing done at the hospital, birthday party for my nephew and a whole slew of other things.

My birthday was among one of the things that happened this past week and it was the first since my mom's passing over 6 months ago. My dad was going through a pretty rough time himself Friday and my birthday came and went without seeing either one of my parents. I was emotional on a couple of occasions that day, but I presume that is to be expected.

Many family and friends made me smile with their well wishes and taking time to remember me meant more to me this year than it had in years past.
So from birthday gatherings on Friday until this moment now, so much emotion has engulfed me and left me feeling different today than I was yesterday.

Thinking about my kids, Marjke is growing more and learning more each week in school and my engeltjie Jude is still in his green banana stage with soo many things; potty training, taking care of his own needs and much more.

BUT, he is in the yellow stage as far as I am concerned with his talking and desire to communicate with us about how he sees things.

I just thought I would take this opportunity to share with everyone I know, that I am smiling about Judah's achievements and happy to see him advancing more everyday.

So to each of you going from the green to yellow stage in any area of your life, smile and share it with someone who will be as thrilled as you are.

May each of you feel that God has smiled upon you and until another line is blogged.


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