Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Well, so much to say on this topic and yet too much has been said on it.

Obama has won and is the current President of the United States and I would have to say I have a few things on my mind.

I can say I hope there are people out there praying for this man, as he has inherited soo much and has one hell of a load to carry these next 4 years.

The world is splitting at the seams and the USA itself is hurting soo bad and the people in it are barely hanging on.

The ones who were and are struggling to hold onto a middle-class status; are being ripped to shreds day after day.

And man, I have personally seen soo many hit rock bottom, and I am soo emotional about it all; and yet what can I do about any one of them?

All I can do is pray for them, as there is only so much we can do as people and then we have to give it over to God....or at least I do.

I'm not saying I agree with anything or much of what Obama and his administration believes in and said, as they are politician and they say and do what they have to in order to stay where they were put.

I had been reading an older book about presidents and weird and wonderful facts about each one and it seems that there is nothing new about special interest groups or unions or any particular ethnic group that hasn't been there for generations.

There was soo much drama during election campaigns; [of course this is usual protocol] and I for one am happy with myself for not getting caught up into the retoric and what not.

I was told by my father more than once that if you want to stay away from arguments in any size group of people, never talk politics or religion. I never did until 10 years ago. I got married to a very opinionated and out-spoken man and he doesn't sit on the sideline of anything for anyone. He is determined and passionate and who am I to stand in his way. But then I digress....

I suppose that talk show hosts and hostesses have a job to do; and well with people tuning into them for entertainment and information, they get what they tune into.
I always understood that at anytime you are not happy with what they dish out send them a letter, email or just stop watching. TV and Cable and syndicated talk shows all have an agenda and if they are going to stay employed they are going to follow the rules that they signed on for.

As much as I don't talk politics, I am also at an age where with 2 kids and looking the future square on, who can't talk it now and again.

Well, I have a ton of other projects I need to work on, so I best scoot now while the gettings good.

Soooooo, as they say ~ "Talk is cheap, except when Congress does it".

Until Another Line is Blogged........



  1. i don't want to try to read in between the lines too much... but i can't help think that you actually DO want to talk about politics (because you just did) but you think you should not.

    Dunno if such things actually turn out to be true.

  2. I suppose truth be known, I i guess talking about politics from time to time isn't such a bad thing after all.
    Like I said my father never talked it and told us the same, so I suppose getting over that hang up and moving on will be the first.
    Second, I suppose I enjoy good healthy conversation more than debate on subjects.
    I tend to be emotional [as most women are in my understanding and experience] with my responses, and my hubby tells me that I need to be diplomatic but have my facts straight; where as I would just like to tell people off and be my emotional woman self and not care the outcome. So all in all, I suppose I will tend to talk about things that effect me more than something that doesn't. I usually have an opinion on everything, it just depends on my point of departure whether or not I will spark much debate from my opining.
    More rants in the future I am sure!
    ~Thanks for the thoughts, you made me think abit about that.
    I am sure I will have more recipes than politics, but rest assured with my house there will never be anything dull to post about.
    Chat W/U Later.

  3. like carnegie put it - the best way to win an argument is by avoiding it :)

    n hey! us guys also have emotions!! :P

  4. Yeah yeah yeah guys have emotions about how much it's gonna cost them to fix the radiator; and what kind of beer to get when the guys come over for the game.

    Seriously though I know women are more emotional and less 'realistic' [not an insult either] about issues than men.

    My hubby is actually a stickler for getting the facts straight and basing your view on emotions isn't the strongest way to win an argument or a disagreement with others.
    But he is a professional in the debate dept as far as I'm concerned, with his daily debates online, so I always attempt to remember his words.

    Then there's also this one to consider:

    “It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." -Mark Twain

    Thanks for the chat...I also commented on your friends blog last night. :o)


  5. So i took your adivce and was keeping my mouth shut...

    No actually i had some problems here with the university censoship policy. they have now blocked access to blogspot.com. I have no clue why they would want to do that. but they apparently were not wise enough to block blogger.com. so i can read your new posts (partly) via my blogger dashboard but cannot comment :(

    If you are convinced that's the truth then i would not argue. But I would agree to this that yes, basing your argument around facts might not be the best way to win an argument but it can be the best way to convince yourself :P Being emotional (and being drunk) is what seperates us from the beasts... and robots.

    And great you commented on my friends blog. Lucky bastard he is!!

    Pleasure of the chat was likewise. Thank you.

    PS: I can't wait to try your coffee milk. but right now it's not possible. students don't have access to any kitchen on campus. will have to wait till summers. (the wait is already killig me :P)

    PPS: will be looking forward to more converstaions with u

  6. So mebe someone on campus was teed off at something or someone on blogspot and blocked the whole domain. Unless you got connections with your administrator....looks like they like having the power at their fingertips to stop whoever and whatever.
    If I keep the comments short and sweet can you see all of it?
    Can you go to myspace at all?

  7. MySpace is not blocked... yet. And nor is Facebook. But they have blocked Orkut. So you never know. Gtalk seems to be one thing that they might not block. Do you use Gtalk? Incase you do my ID is 13lackhat.


  8. No G Talk sorry.
    Is it a small set of computers or campus wide and hundreds of pc's?
    Well, keep posting blogs if you can, and when do you get done with school for summer?
    How close are you to where you live etc?
    I replied to a few of the posts on some of your contributors/followers sites as well.
    What time zone are you in we are GMT-5, EST.


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